The yellow line which runs down the middle of State Street in Bristol is the boundary between Virginia and Tennessee. The street itself has had a renaissance with attractive plantings and interesting shops and restaurants now occupying formerly empty buildings….
Financial management grads cite spiritual, as well as financial, gains
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) — Completing an in-depth study of biblical financial management not only dramatically improves a person’s financial position, but it also benefits their walk with Christ, family relationships and contribution to church life, according to research recently conducted…
Those in need find assistance at churches’ Saturday Free Market
RICHMOND — A crowd gathers on Saturdays before the doors open at 10 a.m., eagerly anticipating what will be found on the tables and racks inside. Some waiting outside will immediately head for the clothing department. Others are hopeful to…
Ministry assistants at conference. The Baptist Ministry Assistants of Virginia attended the National Association of Southern Baptist Secretaries Conference at Ridgecrest Conference Center April 22-25, held to observe the 25th anniversary of the national association. The theme was “Great is…
For financial guru Dave Ramsey, sour economy has an upside
EDMOND, Okla. — In a gloom-and-doom economy, Christian financial guru Dave Ramsey fashions himself as a prophet of hope. Part stand-up comedian, part economics professor, Ramsey built a multi-million-dollar business by dispensing simple financial advice: Live on a budget. Don’t…
Virginia Baptists’ Historical Society celebrates diversity
RICHMOND — Diversity is not a recent phenomenon, according to the Virginia Baptist Historical Society. Choosing “The Swirling Center: Prospect for Diversity in the Church” as the theme for its annual meeting, the gathering attracted nearly a hundred members and…
Pakistan-Taliban fighting creates 2.2 million refugees
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (BP) — An estimated 2.2 million people have been driven from their homes by fighting in Pakistan's Swat Valley — raising the specter of a humanitarian crisis rivaling the refugee exodus during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, relief…
Baptists minister to war victims in Sri Lanka
WASHINGTON (ABP) — Sri Lanka’s government has declared victory in its 26-year civil war, but a resulting humanitarian crisis is far from over. Leaders of Sri Lankan Baptist Sangamaya (Union) handed out water, milk, footwear and other supplies to about…
India’s elections praised by Christians
NEW DELHI (BP) — Hindu nationalists, who had exercised their clout against India's Christians and Muslims until the centrist Congress Party’s revival in elections five years ago, find themselves further marginalized after this year’s national and state elections. In voting…