ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (BP) — An estimated 2.2 million people have been driven from their homes by fighting in Pakistan's Swat Valley — raising the specter of a humanitarian crisis rivaling the refugee exodus during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, relief…
IRS should review Liberty University’s tax-exempt status, says watchdog group
WASHINGTON (ABP) — A church-state watchdog group says the IRS should review Liberty University's tax-exempt status for its decision to revoke recognition of its Democratic Party student club. University officials ordered the student group May 15 to cease using the…
157 graduate at Bluefield College
BLUEFIELD — One hundred fifty-seven Bluefield College seniors received diplomas and three retired BC professors earned distinguished titles during the school’s 87th spring commencement, Saturday, May 16. President David Olive welcomed the nearly 1,000 family and friends gathered outside in…
‘Build now,’ say construction experts to congregations looking to expand
RICHMOND — Despite the anxiety created by the sagging economy, this is an excellent time for churches to consider building, says Rod Hale, long-time church facility consultant for Virginia Baptists. Church architects agree. Jim Byerly, of Huff Morris Architects in…
Foundation website seeks to bridge religion and science
WASHINGTON — A year after stepping down as director of the Human Genome Project, Francis Collins is embarking on a new venture — one that may be even harder than deciphering DNA. Collin’s new BioLogos Foundation aims to be a…
Huckabee steers hard right on Iran, abortion in speech to SBC pastors
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (ABP) — Mike Huckabee, a former and potential Republican presidential candidate, staked out conservative political ground in a speech to Southern Baptist pastors. While only obliquely referring to President Obama, the former Baptist pastor and Arkansas governor took…
What to do with excess embryos? One researcher has an idea
WASHINGTON (RNS) — The woman across the table told Jeanne Loring she was on the horns of a dilemma — feed and clothe her existing family or continue to pay to keep frozen her embryos from an earlier fertility treatment….
‘Great Commission demands sacrifice,’ says Rankin in IMB’s report to SBC
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP) — An evening of testimonies conveyed both miracles and the remaining challenges of a lost world. And Southern Baptists responded on their knees with prayer — and a gift of more than $100,000 to international missions June…
FAITHSHAPERS: Parenting in Bizarro World
Keep those questions coming, Bizarro parents. Our topic for today is, “How can I set up my children to fail?” Every parent in Bizarro world dreams of watching their children crash and burn repeatedly, but we can’t just sit back…