The ink had barely dried on Maine Gov. John Baldacci’s signature legalizing gay marriage in May when Catholic and evangelical opponents began circulating a petition for a “people’s veto” to override lawmakers with a simple majority at the ballot box….
Ministry network recognized, hailed as emerging trend at commissioning service
HOUSTON — Participants at a commissioning service held in conjunction with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship general assembly not only prayed for six field personnel assuming new assignments, but also recognized representatives of a ministry network serving in China. Pastor Steve…
CBF adopts budget, acknowledges ‘difficult fiscal year’
HOUSTON (ABP) — The Cooperative Baptist Fellow-ship adopted a $16.15 million budget but will begin the 2009-2010 fiscal year spending at 80 percent of projected income, anticipating continued reduced giving due to the economy. “It will come as no surprise…
Young pastors urge CBF supporters to ‘embrace the world’
HOUSTON (ABP) — Participants at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship general assembly heard a visceral call to embrace the world — and all their neighbors — in worship. Taylor Sandlin, pastor of Southland Baptist Church in San Angelo, Texas, helps participants…
German Muslims more numerous than suspected. Germany has nearly a million more Muslims than previous estimates, a new study showed. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in Germany concluded up to 4.3 million people — 5 percent of Germany’s…
Report: One-third of scientists believe in God
WASHINGTON (RNS) — Only a third of scientists say they believe in God, according to a new survey, and while 18 percent believe in a high power, four in 10 scientists believe in neither. The report was released July 9…
Domestic missionaries seeking new converts online
ORLANDO, Fla. — For centuries, missionaries have ventured to the farthest reaches of the globe to share the gospel. Today, the new mission field is just a mouse click away. Some 2 million surfers a day type keywords like “God”…
Shuttered stores find new life as churches
HUNTLEY, Ill. (RNS) — At Prime Outlets in Huntley, Ill., a former fine china store will become the home of Christian Life Church. “This provided an opportunity, from moving from being kind of a homeless church, if you will, to…
ABCUSA delegates reject bylaw changes
PASADENA, Calif. (ABP) — While celebrating the denomination’s broad ethnic, regional and language diversity at their biennial meeting June 26-28, members of the American Baptist Churches USA also exhibited their ideological diversity. Delegates, meeting in Pasadena, Calif., torpedoed a major…