Franklin Paschall was pastor of First Baptist Church in Nashville 1956-1983 and SBC president 1966-68. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (ABP) — Two past presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention paid tribute to a third — Franklin Paschall, longtime pastor of First Baptist…
Saying ‘no’ to church doesn’t mean not attending
I would like to respond to Tom Ehrich’s “2nd Opinion” piece, “Saying no to Sunday church,” that appeared in the April 9 edition of the Religious Herald. I was initially intrigued by his thesis that people are saying no to…
EASTER MEDITATION: Let us abound in hope!
Standing on the banks of the River Jordan recently, I had opportunity to offer reflections on how the water there helps convey the meaning of baptism. We remembered how, with the waters of creation, chaos took on form, darkness…
As WMUV’s youngest trustee, Gray finds outlet for transformational leadership
BLUEFIELD – The youngest person ever named to the board of trustees of Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia says the appointment takes her a step closer to one of her goals – to “grow up to be Miss Alma Hunt.”…
Rick Warren says he did not campaign for Proposition 8
{youtube}7o4QqGbQmU0{/youtube} LAKE FOREST, Calif. (ABP) — Rick Warren is drawing heat for telling CNN's Larry King in an April 7 broadcast that he did not endorse Proposition 8, a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage that California voters approved last year. The appearance was…
Youth, NASCAR team up for Christian event at RIR
RICHMOND — For the third consecutive year, Central Virginia Raceway Ministries is sponsoring Bring-A-Kid Race Night, an evening of fellowship with children, parents and youth groups around the sport of NASCAR. The event is scheduled for Friday, May 1. “We…
Court rules against Christian legal student group. A federal appeals court has upheld an “open membership” rule for student organizations at a University of California law school, making a Christian student group ineligible for recognition because the group requires adherence…
Smorgasbord religion on the rise throughout United States
WASHINGTON (RNS) — Friday afternoons find Ann Holmes Redding at the Al-Islam Center in Seattle, reciting Muslim prayers. Come Sunday, she heads about two miles south to kneel in the pews of St. Clement’s of Rome Episcopal Church. “My experience…
Religious groups mobilize to keep alleviating poverty a priority in D.C.
The group, The Mobilization to End Poverty, plans to bring thousands of religious and community activists to Washington later this month to urge President Obama to make the poor a priority and continue his goal of reducing domestic poverty by…