RICHMOND — For the third consecutive year, Central Virginia Raceway Ministries is sponsoring Bring-A-Kid Race Night, an evening of fellowship with children, parents and youth groups around the sport of NASCAR. The event is scheduled for Friday, May 1. “We…
Court rules against Christian legal student group. A federal appeals court has upheld an “open membership” rule for student organizations at a University of California law school, making a Christian student group ineligible for recognition because the group requires adherence…
Smorgasbord religion on the rise throughout United States
WASHINGTON (RNS) — Friday afternoons find Ann Holmes Redding at the Al-Islam Center in Seattle, reciting Muslim prayers. Come Sunday, she heads about two miles south to kneel in the pews of St. Clement’s of Rome Episcopal Church. “My experience…
Religious groups mobilize to keep alleviating poverty a priority in D.C.
The group, The Mobilization to End Poverty, plans to bring thousands of religious and community activists to Washington later this month to urge President Obama to make the poor a priority and continue his goal of reducing domestic poverty by…
Will proposed tax plan hurt churches? Maybe; maybe not
WASHINGTON (RNS) — President Obama’s proposed 2010 federal budget contains a 7 percent cut in charitable tax deductions for the nation’s wealthiest taxpayers. Some religious groups are asking how that will affect their bottom line. The answer: It depends who…
Children’s resource celebrates Baptists’ 400th. Children in Baptist churches will enjoy participating in Baptists’ 400th anniversary celebration through the new issue of Heritage Seekers, a full-color magazine containing stories, games and activities. The issue tells the stories of John Smyth…
EDITORIAL: Finding an antidote to biblical dummies?
Did you hear the one about little Johnny’s Sunday school teacher talking to the boy’s father, a deacon? The teacher good-naturedly approached the dad in the church parking lot. “You’ll never believe what happened in Sunday school,” he began. “I…
SECOND OPINION: Saying no to Sunday church
For five decades and in growing numbers, American Christians have been saying no to Sunday church. I think it is time we listened. We have labeled them “unchurched,” “nonbelievers,” “former Christians,” “happy pagans,” “lost,” and a “mission field” that’s “ripe…
‘Keep me a hundred years, and you shall find a use for me.” In 1885 William H. Whitsitt penned this line on the inside front cover of his secret diary. The diarist painstakingly and neatly recorded his activities and his…