WASHINGTON (RNS) — Digital podcasts and streaming video might bring Christian audiences inspirational messages in the future, but they aren’t bringing in the cash that broadcast ministries need to weather a painful economy. To make ends meet, religious broadcasters are…
Redeeming the time: Family fun and meaningful memories don’t demand a big bankroll
In tight economic times, families should recognize making memories doesn’t mean breaking the bank, family ministry experts agree. Dream vacations to Disney World can be meaningful memory-building times for families, but so can shared trips to a store or afternoon…
Offering given for churches in financial crisis
I have had the privilege of pastoring seven fine Virginia Baptist churches during the past 45 years. During these years of service I have developed a great appreciation for our Virginia Baptist mission work and a love for our Virginia…
CBFV of Virginia looks to future with new coordinator, 10 initiatives
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia’s future will be invigorated with the help of 10 initiatives, said the group’s new field coordinator during the CBFV General Assembly March 13-14. “This is a sketch of what we could look like in…
Natural selection not a rejection of God or faith
A friend at the Virginia Council of Churches shared with me the recent issue of the Religious Herald in which John Klink wrote, “We must be careful not to let ourselves be deceived by the lies of the theory of…
Having fun in Virginia at no cost — now that’s good!
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of “Virginia is for Lovers,” Virginia’s tourism department is sharing a list of free things to do on vacation. For more details click on www.Virginia.org. Activities include: Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail. Virginia has some…
Celebrate Baptists’ 400th anniversary with day trips across Virginia
European Baptists are throwing a huge party in July in Amsterdam to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the church founded by John Smyth and Thomas Helwys in 1609. If Amsterdam is not on your summer itinerary, there are places closer…
“Darwin was right about natural selection, right about different species forming and species changing, but wrong that such changes are a mechanism to change one kind of animal into a totally different kind."Ken HamThe founder of Answers in Genesis, which…
SECOND OPINION: Babyboomers, volunteerism and the future of church leadership
It is not a stretch to realize that churches are probably the longest standing user of volunteer services. From teaching Sunday school classes and staffing committees to operating the various mission efforts, churches are almost completely dependent upon unpaid volunteers….