AUBURN, Ala. (RNS) — Setting up on the grassy area outside their dorm, grilling burgers and distributing drinks, the young men known as College Kids Tailgate are like scores of other Auburn students on game day — full of good…
“One of the most amazing surprises of the presidency was the fact that people’s prayers affected me.” Former President George W. Bush The former president was quoted by the Washington Post. (RNS) “As Christians, we are asked to believe some…
German court rules against Sunday shopping, cites ‘day of rest’
BERLIN (RNS) — Constitutional provisions that declare Sunday a day of rest mean German merchants will have to significantly rein in the number of days they are open for business, Germany’s highest court ruled Dec. 1. The ruling was prompted…
SECOND OPINION: Is the Emerging Church threat or ally?
The tsunami of change that struck the Western world in the 20th century permanently altered the cultural landscape. The Emerging Church (EC) addresses this postmodern context. Most Baptists will have to jettison some modernist baggage to stay afloat in the…
Judge in Tajikistan orders Baptist church to close, citing violations
OSLO, Norway (ABP) — A judge in Tajikistan has ordered a Baptist church in the capital city, Dushanbe, to cease meetings in a private home, saying that housing codes and a new religion law require houses of worship to register…
HERITAGE: While in Fredericksburg
The Baptist General Association of Virginia has met three times in Fredericksburg but there is no one living who attended any of the meetings. The last one was held in 1874 and the thoughts on many minds were the hardships…
Hunt: CP is not the only door into the SBC
DALLAS (BP) — Johnny Hunt, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, said substantial giving through the Cooperative Program is not the only way of participating in the work of the convention and Baptists must stop using a CP giving percentage…
GCR chairman speaks to myths about work
DALLAS (BP) — Following an Oct. 27 dialogue with 22 executive directors of Southern Baptist state conventions, Great Commission Resurgence Task Force chairman Ronnie Floyd addressed several issues on which he felt the record needed to be “set straight.” 1)…
State convention executives offer vision, views about resurgence and the SBC to task force
DALLAS (BP) — In what might be arguably the most significant meeting yet for the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force, 22 executive directors of Southern Baptist state conventions met with them Oct. 27, to offer some competing, some complementing views…