Two hundred years after his birth on Feb. 12, 1809, British naturalist Charles Darwin remains controversial. His theory of evolution became the linchpin of modern science, but a majority of Americans believe God created humans in their present form. And…
RIGHT or WRONG: Churches and marketing
Our church has gotten involved in strategy planning and marketing. Help me understand how this language and these endeavors are not just crass worldliness. Strategy planning and marketing are practices used by for-profit businesses and corporations, often to great effect….
Intelligent design renews debate between science and religion
WACO, Texas (ABP) — If there ever were a chance that conflict between evolution and religion might die a natural death, it ended with the birth of intelligent design. Just ask William Dembski. Educated as a probability theorist, Dembski had…
Pick Pepsodent or Presbyterian?
PHOENIX (ABP) — Protestants in the United States are about as loyal to their brand of toothpaste as their denomination, according to one research firm. A new poll by Ellison Research asked churchgoers who attend worship services at least once…
Young-earth creationists value literal reading of God’s word over human intellect’
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (ABP) — In his 2006 best-selling nonfiction book, The God Delusion, British biologist Richard Dawkins said he is hostile toward religion because of what it did to Kurt Wise. Wise, a Harvard graduate who studied under paleontologist Stephen…
Prayer mats and yarmulkes in workplace
WASHINGTON (RNS) — Com-plaints of religious discrimination in the workplace are on the rise, but civil rights advocates say that may not be such a bad thing. That's because a likely reason for a steady rise in reported incidents has…
Evolution Sunday says dichotomy between faith and science is false
INDIANAPOLIS (ABP) — While many Christians view evolution as a threat to religion, a growing number of churches view Charles Darwin's 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of his seminal work The Origin of Species as something to celebrate. More…
Church closes for a month to save money. Many Americans are giving up something in this dire economy. But Sharon Dawson will go without something unusual: her church. To save money, First Unitarian Church in Portland, Ore., has decided to…
Columbia Church challenges members to ‘Spend Yourself’
Although many pastors would be content if their churches met in three different congregations with 14 separate services using seven different languages, Jim Baucom, pastor of Columbia Baptist Church in Falls Church, challenged the church leaders to “take it to…