NASHVILLE, Tenn. (ABP) — Even before considering a recommendation by the Southern Baptist Convention that it reduce its budget by nearly a third to channel more money to international missions, the SBC Executive Committee is facing a cash shortfall fueled…
Bluefield College students offer hope to Haiti after professor’s challenge
BLUEFIELD, Va. — A professor’s challenge motivated a Bluefield College student to create a non-profit organization that funds college education and teacher training for Haitians. Haiti has attracted a lot of attention from Americans over the past year. Following the…
FIRST HAND: On mission in South Africa at the World Cup
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — My wife, Cary, and I travelled with a group of 25 from Virginia to South Africa during the FIFA World Cup with a mission to spread the gospel of Christ into the rural villages of South…
HERITAGE: From choir boy to choirmaster
River Road Church, Baptist, in Richmond’s West End is known far and wide for excellence in all areas: gorgeous classical architecture, a pulpit ministry recognized for consistently thought-provoking messages, well-oiled church governance in the best of Baptist tradition, a superior…
OPINION: Time to scrutinize the restoration experts
Everyone seems to have a solution for “restoring” America. Take power away from liberal intellectuals, say some, and put “ordinary” people in charge. Or make this a white-run, Christian nation. Or insist on leaders who are intelligent and informed. Or…
VIRGINIA BAPTIST FORUM: Partisan, left-wing viewpoints
In your Aug. 19 editorial, you ask “What do you think?” I think if the governor’s name was Timothy Kaine, you would fully support the privatizing plan. We are all aware that the abuse of alcohol is a terrible scourge…
VIRGINIA BAPTIST FORUM: State should sell ABC stores
In your Aug. 19 editorial [“New state motto: ‘We’ll do anything for money’ ”] you take Gov. Robert McDonnell to task for wanting to sell the state-owned liquor stores to private citizens or corporate entities for “… $300 million to…
VITAL SIGNS: When conflict turns ugly
One of the saddest truths I have come to understand about conflict in congregations is how destructive it can be. Years of progress and effective ministry can be negated by unhealthy conflict. Careers can be ruined, faith and hope in…
“That’s not primarily because the bishops got the Holy Spirit, that’s because the bishops got sued.” Kelly Clark The Portland, Ore., lawyer represents six men who reached a settlement Sept. 1 with the Boy Scouts over sexual abuse by a…