RICHMOND, Va. — Peaceful living in a fear-provoking environment is challenging, even — maybe especially — for Christians. The unpredictable 21st century isn’t likely to settle down any time soon. Church leaders suggested several ways Christians can confront fear. Evaluate…
ANALYSIS: Does gay debate mirror church dispute on slavery?
WASHINGTON (RNS) — One group of Christians confidently proclaims that a plain reading of the Bible is a slam-dunk in their favor. The other side appeals to Scripture’s grand narrative toward freedom and inclusive love. The argument boils over and ripples…
Happiness found in church, not shopping mall. Protestant and Catholic women in the United States have grown unhappier since stores have stayed open on Sundays, according to a study by economists from Israel’s Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Chicago’s…
Christian counselors say they encounter discrimination over views on homosexuality
WASHINGTON (RNS) — When are religious views on homosexuality an issue of religious and academic freedom, and when are they discrimination? That’s a question raised by counselors and educators across the country. Recently, a federal judge ruled against Jennifer Keeton,…
La. Baptist Convention exec challenges Ezell pick at NAMB
ALEXANDRIA, La. (ABP) — In an unprecedented open letter to trustees of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board, the head of an SBC-affiliated state convention called Sept. 9 for NAMB trustees not to endorse a search committee’s recommendation…
OPINION: When church is the real thing
Hands down my favorite question to ask people in casual conversation is: Why do you go to church? I often wonder what compels people — what compels me — to offer so much of my life to the work of…
Kentucky pastor recommended as new NAMB president
ALPHARETTA, Ga. (ABP) — The pastor of one of the Southern Baptist Convention’s most visible leaders will be recommended as the new head of the denomination’s North American Mission Board. Kevin Ezell, pastor of Highview Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky.,…
Hispanic pastor facing deportation is released on bond
ATLANTA (ABP) — A Hispanic North Carolina pastor is out on bond after the first stage of deportation proceedings against him and is planning his case to avoid getting snared by a 15-year-old crime for which he has already served…
Donations not keeping pace with Pakistan relief needs, say Baptists
ATLANTA (ABP) — Baptist organizations in the United States and elsewhere are continuing their efforts to provide relief after catastrophic flooding in Pakistan — but funds are being stretched to the limit by the disaster’s massive scale. According to estimates…