WASHINGTON (ABP) — When popular conservative radio and TV personality Glenn Beck called for “revival” on the National Mall Aug. 28, he was making a hash of both patriotism and faith, according to published comments by a pair of prominent…
EDITORIAL: Aunt Ida takes aim at e-mail gossip
Dear Jimmy, Well, I guess you are about as surprised as I am that you are getting an e-mail from me. I never in this world figured me for a computer gal, but here I am big as life sendin’…
HERITAGE: Light in the forest
Virginia Baptists early established relationships with Indians. John Leland, arguably the most prominent of the 18th-century Virginia Baptist itinerant preachers, wrote that in the 1780s he preached in the “royal pavilion” of an Indian chief, John Tohan. Leland said: “After…
VITAL SIGNS: Assessing conflict in churches
So what do we make of the rising tide of conflict in local congregations? First of all, is there actually an increase in conflict? Anecdotally, the number of calls and conversations we are having around conflict seem to indicate that…
“For many people who do not understand Islam, Muslims do not appear in the Western media to act in a way that let them believe that Islam is a religion of peace. So there is a certain cognitive dissonance here….
ASK THE ARCHITECT: Surveys are helpful, though optional, homework
At this stage of your church’s building program you are still gathering general information about your mission, who you are as a church, future programs and ministry needs, etc. Workshops with the building committee and architect are underway, and the…
Baptist men’s gathering to focus on prayer, worship, discussion
RICHMOND, Va. — Baptist men from across the state will meet for prayer, worship and round table discussions at the one-day Virginia Baptist Men’s Gathering, set for Saturday, Sept. 25. The free event, sponsored by the Virginia Baptist Mission Board,…
Former Virginia chaplain leads fight to save woman on death row
JARRATT, Va. — Unless the U.S. Supreme Court or Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell step in to stop it, Teresa Lewis will die on Sept. 23, in the death chamber at Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, Va. Some will say the…
Virginia church disbands but result is $1 million for ministry
ARLINGTON, Va. — A Virginia Baptist congregation has closed its doors after 80 years, but the result will be about $1 million available over time to Christian ministries in Washington’s Northern Virginia suburbs. Trinity Baptist Church in Arlington held its…