WASHINGTON (ABP) — A bipartisan federal panel charged with monitoring religious-freedom questions worldwide blasted current and past administrations — Republican and Democratic alike — April 29 for under-emphasizing religious liberty in foreign policy. In releasing its annual report, the independent…
Want to pack heat in worship? In Louisiana, you soon may get to
BATON ROUGE, La. (RNS) — People qualified to carry concealed weapons should be able to keep them strapped on in a church or temple as a way to enhance security, a state House committee decided April 28. The House Committee…
Baptist scholars view Noah’s Ark discovery claims with skepticism
LEXINGTON, Ky. (ABP) — As the newest reported discovery of Noah's Ark raised doubts even among fellow Ark-hunters, two Baptist seminary professors said Christians should not rest their faith on whether remains of an ancient vessel are ever found high…
Virginia governor lifts ban on police chaplains’ sectarian prayers
RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell has lifted a two-year-old ban on sectarian prayers –including those referring to Jesus Christ — led by Virginia State Police chaplains at department-sanctioned public events. The recently-elected Republican governor instructed state police superintendent…
Glenn Beck, Paige Patterson to speak at Liberty’s commencement
LYNCHBURG, Va. — Two prominent conservative voices in the nation’s culture wars — Fox News commentator Glenn Beck and seminary president Paige Patterson — will speak at Liberty University’s commencement exercises May 15, the school has announced. Chancellor Jerry Falwell…
Book urges Christians to go green for God
DULUTH, Ga. (ABP) — Jonathan Merritt says he was both disappointed and pleasantly surprised by the response he received after organizing several hundred Southern Baptists in 2008 to issue a statement identifying the environment and climate change as moral issues….
American Baptist National Ministries reclaims historic name
NEW YORK (ABP) — National Ministries of American Baptist Churches USA marked the 178th anniversary of its founding April 27 by announcing the agency will reclaim its historic name of American Baptist Home Mission Societies. "Outside of American Baptist circles…
As controversy lingers, Shroud of Turin still draws a crowd
TURIN, Italy (RNS) — As hoteliers and souvenir vendors from Lourdes to Mexico City can readily attest, a sacred pilgrimage can quickly morph from a spiritual event into a commercial bonanza. And although religious tourism has recently become a booming…
EDITORIAL: Pewboy asks the right questions about baptism
Long ago on a Sunday afternoon in early August, I gathered with other baptismal candidates, our families and our church family on the bank of Sandy Creek near Antonia, Mo. After singing a hymn, and shooing the cows we waded…