BLUEFIELD, Va. — Fifty-five members of Baptist churches from across Virginia and Tennessee spent part of their summer on the campus of Bluefield College on a mission to support their Baptist partner. The volunteers from eastern Tennessee and across Virginia…
KINGDOM VISION: Dreams and missions
Have you ever woken up from a night full of dreams and you just lay there and wonder, “What in the world was that all about, all those crazy dreams?” And you lay there and try to recall what it…
“Heliocentrism becomes ‘dangerous’ if it is being propped up as the true system when, in fact, it is a false system. False information leads to false ideas, and false ideas lead to illicit and immoral actions ….” Robert Sungenis Sungenis,…
VITAL SIGNS: The two most dangerous words
Yes, but …. Two of the most dangerous words in a minister’s vocabulary. Two of the most destructive words a congregation will ever utter. Yes, but …. The order of their utterance is important. Bill Wilson First we say, “Yes….
Willing workers are drawn by passion, giftedness, calling
Tapping passion and giftedness — and an understanding of every job as ministry — may be the best way to find willing workers to fill those unglamorous and least-recognized posts in church life. Passion springs from a person’s gifts, according…
FIRST HAND: Veterans’ return to Okinawa, Hiroshima sparks memories
Editor’s note: Recently Bruce Heilman, chancellor of the University of Richmond, joined other veterans who had fought in the South Pacific during World War II to revisit the battle sites. With them were a group of students from the College…
TRENDING: Multiplying life by imitation
“Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you; consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith” (Hebrews 13:7, NRSV) Well, Twitter, thanks for re-activating the language of “following” people. Love it (millions)…
Transitions ON THE MOVE Bryon LePere, to Buena Vista (Va.) Baptist Church, as pastor. He previously served as pastor of Big Island (Va.) Baptist Church. Bailey Edwards Nelson, to Flat Rock Baptist Church in Mount Airy, N.C., as pastor. David…
EDITORIAL: The new China
Like the blind man who grasped the elephant’s tail and drew the conclusion that all elephants were like snakes, my experience in China is so limited that the better part of wisdom would probably be to refrain from comment. But,…