RICHMOND, Va. — An April 30 awareness event sponsored by International Justice Ministries, the Richmond Justice Initiative and First Baptist Church in Richmond, Va., drew dozens of people from Central Virginia to focus on human trafficking. The day’s activities included…
US / World Briefs
Religious freedom ambassador sworn in. Suzan Johnson Cook, an American Baptist pastor, author and motivational speaker, was sworn in May 16 as Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom by Undersecretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Maria Otero. Johnson Cook…
NC Briefs
Causey to retire. Jack Causey will retire at the end of May as director of services to ministers at the Center for Congregational Health in Winston-Salem, N.C., a position he has held since 1996. Causey, who will continue as ministerial…
EDITORIAL: The awful truth of an awful place
From the soaring heights of the Bavarian alps, we visited Neuschwanstein castle’s classical beauty. Our travels then took us to the Concentration Camp Memorial at Dachau on Sunday, May 22. Since the International Baptist Church’s English service was scheduled to…
Unlikely allies weave myth of Christian America, historian says
DALLAS — A seemingly unlikely alliance between conservative Christian evangelicals and Mormons recasts American history as the founding of a distinctively Christian republic, Stephen Stookey told a gathering of Baptist church historians. Self-styled historian David Barton and conservative provocateur Glenn…
Historical Society celebrates Baptists’ ‘singing faith’ with hymn festival
RICHMOND, Va. — It’s said that the Reformer Martin Luther once stood in his pulpit on a Sunday morning, held aloft a Bible and told his congregation, “This is the gospel.” Then raising a hymnal in his other hand, he…
Two Intermont graduates bound for international riding competitions
BRISTOL, Va. — Fresh from this May’s graduation, Virginia Intermont College’s Kate McManis and Jordan Shelburne are bound for international riding competition. Both were members of the Baptist-affiliated school’s national champion competitive riding teams and now will represent the United…
LETTER: The BJC, ultra-liberals do more damage than atheists
The information that the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty has declared the National Day of Prayer as unwise and unnecessary [Herald, May 12] reminds us of the old phrase, “We have met the enemy, and they is us.” We…
VITAL SIGNS: Traps for clergy and their new congregation
In a recent conversation, a minister asked me what I thought were the major traps that most often snared ministers when they moved to a new congregation. Great question! Healthy churches and ministers pay attention to potential trouble spots and…