By Bob Allen Following is a summary of some of the year’s major headlines. Baptists and race. Will Baptists remember 2014 as a sea change in race relations? Fifty years after the civil rights movement and nearly 20 years after…
What were people reading in 2014?
By BNG staff 1. Probation terms altered to permit sex offender pastor to minister to childrenA Florida judge changed terms of probation for Darrell Gilyard, a pastor who returned to the pulpit after serving a prison term child sex abuse,…
Deaths in 2014
By Bob Allen Malcolm Tolbert, a former missionary to Brazil who taught at two Southern Baptist Convention seminaries, died Thanksgiving Day at age 90. James “Tripp” Battle III, lead pastor of Bayshore Baptist Church in Bradenton, Fla., died Dec. 4…
For unto us a child is born
By David Gushee Follow David:@dpgushee I have had the extremely rare privilege in the last two weeks of holding a tiny human being named Jonah. He entered the world on Dec. 10, weighing not even eight pounds and stretching not…