Last week I shared to Facebook a Washington Post story titled “White House directs federal agencies to cancel race-related training sessions it calls ‘un-American propaganda.’” I prefaced it with this: “At all levels of American society, we are confronted with…
This year’s tug of war over the Catholic vote and why it matters
Much has been written about evangelical Christian support for President Donald Trump — believed to be a key to his election in 2016 — but attention this year is turning also to the Catholic vote as a pivotal bloc. Joe…
50 years later, abortion remains a political smokescreen
Abortion has been at the forefront of the Religious Right for almost 50 years — since the landmark Supreme Court decision in 1973 that recognized a woman’s freedom to abort a fetus based on the constitutional right to privacy. That…
The moral hypocrisy of Albert Mohler (and evangelicals of his ilk)
Evangelicals such as Mohler claim to be pro-life and shape their politics to support candidates who likewise claim to be pro-life and who will help stack the federal judiciary with pro-life judges. Their position is hypocritical, because they are not pro-life. They are pro-birth.
A global pestilence stalks in darkness. Will we tempt God or take up our cross? | #intimeslikethese
We can hang onto Jesus with the right hand, grasp our brothers and sisters with the left, and take one bold step into the gathering gloom of Holy Week. That’s what Lent has always been about. That’s what it’s about now, amid a global pestilence that stalks in the darkness.
As impeachment rolls on, Trump to preach to the choir at March for Life
President Donald Trump will be the first sitting president in history to attend the March for Life, an anti-abortion demonstration held every year since the Supreme Court established a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate her pregnancy in 1973.
Divisions over abortion and other life and death issues: the problem is not purple churches
When faith leaders lament the difficulty of keeping Republicans and Democrats together in the same church, they miss the bigger issue.
Inspired by the women of scripture, Baptist minister champions reproductive rights
Some female theologians argue women should abandon the Bible because its language and depictions of women are oppressive. While Baptist minister Katey Zeh certainly sees that oppression in those pages, she isn’t ready to give up on scripture.
Faith leaders say Kentucky governor doesn’t speak for all Baptists when it comes to abortion
After Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin denounced his Democratic challenger’s stance on abortion as an insult to Kentucky Baptists, ministers at two Louisville Baptist churches joined other faith leaders in a press conference defending both their faith and a woman’s right to choose.