This is the third in a November series produced by BNG on what it means to be “blessed,” a word so flippantly used that it often loses meaning. One morning nine years ago while driving my children to school (and…
‘This is a time of moral and social reckoning,’ Boulder pastor tells congregation
“This is again and again a time of moral and social reckoning,” Boulder, Colo., pastor Andrew Daugherty told his congregation the day after the mass murder at a grocery store located about 3 miles from his church. “Who are we…
The Black Male, the White House and the White Knight
Donald Trump’s unsophisticated rise in this presidential election cycle has been referred to in some corners as a redefining of electoral politics. It is not. It is simply a third, national galvanizing of the historical white backlash to substantive African-American advancement and the browning of America.
Jesus doesn’t need a national day of prayer (and neither do we)
As presidents have formally done every year since 1952 (and informally before that), President Obama on Thursday, May 7, will issue a proclamation urging our country to “turn to God in prayer and meditation.” By longstanding national tradition, we will…
Eyes wide open
After Sunday’s service, a friend emailed me a confession: He kept his eyes open during Prayers of the People, which I led this week. It was a Lenten prayer about finding beauty in dry places, the hand of God in…