CHARLOTTE, N.C. (ABP) – Ten years after the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship adopted an organizational value prohibiting the funding of organizations that affirm practicing homosexuals and prohibiting it from employing gays, a large crowd packed a CBF General Assembly workshop June…
CBF workshop explores homosexuality
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (ABP) – Fifteen years after the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship adopted an organizational value prohibiting the funding of organizations that affirm practicing homosexuals, a large crowd packed a workshop June 25 on what it means to be the “presence…
CBF to evaluate structure, funding in two-year study
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (ABP) — Facing chronic budget shortfalls, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship moderator Hal Bass has appointed a 14-member task force to study the organization’s missional and organizational future. The task force, emerging from consensus during a recent gathering of leaders…
Historian urges Cooperative Baptists to reclaim ‘audacious identity’
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (ABP) — Historian Bill Leonard encouraged fellow Baptists to “get over” being embarrassed by their denomination’s often-negative image and instead celebrate their lineage in an “audacious identity” established by their forebears. Bill Leonard urges CBF to celebrate, rather…
Historian urges CBF to reclaim ‘audacious identity’
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (ABP) –Historian Bill Leonard encouraged fellow Baptists to “get over” being embarrassed by their denomination’s often-negative image and instead celebrate their lineage in an “audacious identity” established by their forebears. Leonard, founding dean of Wake Forest University Divinity…
Bellevue pastor defends disqualifying lesbian coach’s team
CORDOVA, Tenn. (ABP) – The pastor of a Tennessee Southern Baptist mega-church defended a decision to bar a coach from its softball league because she is a lesbian. The Memphis Commercial Appeal reported June 16 that church leaders told Jana…
CBF commissions 16 for global service
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (ABP) — More than 1,200 people were challenged to be passionate about joining in God’s mission June 23, as 16 new field personnel were commissioned for full-time mission service by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. CBF Global Missions Coordinator…
Southwestern Seminary leaders cut health-care benefits for retirees
FORT WORTH, Texas (ABP) — An organization of retired faculty and staff from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has asked the school’s trustees to reconsider their recent decision to discontinue providing health insurance coverage at no cost to retirees. But in…
Vestal says CBF may have to recall missionaries
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (ABP) – The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship will be forced to recall missionaries from the field if donations to its annual Offering for Global Missions do not increase next year, CBF Executive Coordinator Daniel Vestal told the CBF Coordinating…