GAINESVILLE, Ga. (ABP) — The widow of a Baptist pastor shot and killed last fall by police in Toccoa, Ga., has filed a federal lawsuit alleging "gross and plain incompetence" displayed by an officer's use of deadly force. The lawsuit…
Widow files lawsuit in police shooting death of Baptist pastor
GAINESVILLE, Ga. (ABP) — The widow of a Baptist pastor shot and killed last fall by police in Toccoa, Ga., has filed a federal lawsuit alleging "gross and plain incompetence" displayed by an officer's use of deadly force. The lawsuit…
BGCT takes action against church suspected of affirming gays
DALLAS (ABP) — The Baptist General Convention of Texas said March 17 it was asking Royal Lane Baptist Church in Dallas to remove mention of its affiliation with the state convention from church publications and would hold any funds received…
Mercer program teaches church members to deliver end-of-life care
ATLANTA (ABP) — The nursing school of a Baptist university in Georgia has taken on a mission beyond its walls: To teach people in local churches how to care for loved ones as they face the ends of their earthly…
Nigerian Baptist leader says clashes political, not religious
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (ABP) — A Nigerian Baptist leader says politics is the driving force behind recent religious massacres and riots in central Nigeria. Solomon Ishola "Religion is being used as a veneer or as a front or cover in…
Most church websites ineffective, technology firm’s study finds
DIDCOT, England (ABP) — Churches, by and large, still haven’t entered the digital age when it comes to evangelism — but those who have are reaping huge rewards, according to a new survey. A poll conducted by Christian technology company…
Central Seminary students journey to Myanmar as pilgrims
SHAWNEE, Kan. (ABP) — What does Christianity look like in a country where over 90 percent of the population is Buddhist? A group of students from a unique Central Baptist Theological Seminary program joined with faculty, staff and a recent…
Va. Baptist educator Terry Maples named CBF field rep for Tennessee
ATLANTA (ABP) — The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has hired its third "field coordinator," a shared staff position designed to promote cooperation and communication between state and national CBF organizations. The Atlanta-based CBF and Tennessee Cooperative Baptist Fellowship jointly employed Terry…
Baptists decry Texas board’s votes on textbook standards
AUSTIN, Texas (ABP) — A Texas board that sets curriculum standards for the nation’s second-largest textbook market has voted, along party lines, to leave a conservative imprint on history, social studies and economics courses. And the effects won't be felt in…