WASHINGTON (ABP) — Roy Moore's long legal saga over the Ten Commandments, which began with a bang, has ended in a whimper. The U.S. Supreme Court, beginning its 2004-2005 term Oct. 4, declined without comment to hear Moore's appeal of…
Court: Catholic contraceptive coverage continues in California
WASHINGTON (ABP) — In the first day of their new term, the Supreme Court declined to review a decision by a California court requiring some religious charities to provide their employees with health insurance for contraceptive drugs. Beginning their 2004-2005…
Virginia man collects 13 million can tabs for kidney dialysis
HARRISONBURG, Va. (ABP) — Bryan Acker is a collector. He doesn't collect autographs or postage stamps or fine art. Acker collects tabs from aluminum cans. During the past 10 years, he's collected over 13 million of them, helping kidney dialysis…
Support for special-needs families is all around, chaplain says
MOUNT LEBANON, Texas (ABP) — Emotional and spiritual support for parents of special-needs children is all around them, but they have to take advantage of those opportunities, according to a chaplain who ministers to mentally challenged people. Parents can find…
Former Alabama drug dealer trades crime for pastorate
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (ABP) — He's a former drug dealer and gang member, hardly the credentials sought by most churches looking for pastors. But Huey Harris' dramatic conversion from gangster to preacher has opened doors of ministry in the roughest areas…
Global campaign wants to mobilize Christians to combat poverty
NEW YORK (ABP) — Christian leaders from around the world will launch a major anti-poverty initiative Oct. 15 in New York City with an ambitious goal — to cut worldwide poverty in half by 2015. The campaign — named the…
Negative stereotypes of Muslims common among Americans, new survey reveals
WASHINGTON (ABP) — A new survey commissioned by an Islamic civil-rights group offers both good news and bad for American Muslims. The Council on American-Islamic Relations released the nationwide poll of 1,000 respondents Oct. 4. It showed, among other things,…
Like Senate, House fails to pass gay-marriage ban
WASHINGTON (ABP) — The House of Representatives followed the Senate's lead Sept. 30 in defeating a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban marriage — and, arguably, marriage-like benefits — for same-sex couples. A House version of the Federal Marriage Amendment…
Kerry attacks, Bush defends Iraq war in first debate
WASHINGTON (ABP) — President Bush and his challenger, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) spent much of their first debate Sept. 30 trading charges over the justification for the war in Iraq. In a format designed to focus on foreign-policy and national-security…