LOUISVILLE, Ky. (ABP) — Evangelical scholar and seminary president Al Mohler will be nominated for the Southern Baptist Convention presidency next June, but he likely will face opposition for the prominent post. Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in…
Fair-trade items offer Christmas gifts with a conscience
NEW YORK (ABP)—What's the perfect revenge for the flannel-lined hot-water bottle Aunt Sharon gave you last year? Or the Michael Bolton CD from your brother-in-law? Maybe a toilet. Or an ox. A bag of seeds would work, for that matter….
Need help understanding the Old Testament? Ask an African Christian
SAN DIEGO (ABP)—African Christians tend to understand and appreciate the Old Testament far better than their Western counterparts, author Philip Jenkins told a group of evangelical scholars. Jenkins, a professor of religious studies and history at Pennsylvania State University, spoke…
New Baptist Covenant preach-in features Forbes, other notables
ATLANTA (ABP) — A miniature preaching festival within next year's Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant will feature one of the nation's most famous preachers among a group that is broadly diverse in terms of ethnic background, gender, denominational affiliation…
State resolutions focus on alcohol, gambling, homosexuality, abuse
WASHINTON (ABP) — The pleasures of the flesh — specifically liquor and sex — were among the most popular subjects of resolutions passed by Southern Baptist-affiliated state conventions this fall. Although many state conventions avoided resolutions on controversial issues of…
Have we gone too far in the race for parenthood?
NEW YORK (ABP) — In Brazil, a 51-year-old woman gave birth to her own twin grandchildren. She used embryos from her 27-year-old daughter, who had tried for four years to conceive. In January, a Texas-based “human embryo bank” announced prospective…
Surrogacy: Ethicists in quandary when ‘Mommy’ becomes relative term
NEW YORK (ABP) — The Church of England recently issued a statement identifying organ donation — even by living donors — as a Christian duty motivated by compassion and a mandate to heal. But what about donating a womb for…
Neurotheology opens doors for scientific study of belief
NEW YORK (ABP) — Some scientists say neurotheology — an emerging discipline that addresses the correlation between neurological and spiritual activity — proves God created the brain. Others claim “the brain created the god.” At the root of the debate,…
Who’s an evangelical? Question looms over annual meeting of scholars, theologians in ETS
SAN DIEGO (ABP) — As hundreds of scholars, pastors and theologians gathered Nov. 14 for the opening day of the 59th annual conference of the Evangelical Theological Society, a question loomed over their heads: How narrowly to define who qualifies…