-Nurturing young children, teens
-Ministry to the military
Religion Notes: Hackers converge, compete at Baptist-affiliated university
Moderate Baptists will recognize many of the institutions that made McCormick Theological Seminary’s annual list of Seminaries that Change the World. The Chicago seminary’s Center for Faith and Service compiled the lineup from what it called “a select group of…
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As ‘named storms’ bring destruction, ‘named people and churches’ share Christ’s love
It wasn’t until the early 1950s that tropical storms and hurricanes were given short, easily remembered names to cut down on confusion when multiple storms were churning at the same time.
Working for justice is path to peace in 2017, spiritual leaders say
Scrolling through the list of celebrities who died in 2016 seems to take, depressingly, forever. There also were the personal losses and, for many, a political and cultural landscape that seems upside-down. And those are just the personal and domestic…
Giving and receiving: Transformative gifts
Through the acts of giving and receiving, many miracles happen. Both the giver and the receiver become transformed.
Texas Baptist school allows limited campus carry
Breaking ranks with most private colleges opting out of a state law requiring public universities to allow handguns in dorms, classrooms and campus buildings, East Texas Baptist University will allow the president to authorize selected full-time faculty or staff who…
Hispanic leader to be nominated president of Texas Baptist group
By Ken Camp and Jeff Brumley René Maciel, president of Baptist University of the Américas, will be nominated this fall for president of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. And it comes just as the 2016 presidential election cycle is turning…