The recent spectacle of John Edwards's confession of adultery managed to be at once pathetic and instructive. While bearing in mind Lily Tomlin's observation that no matter how cynical one becomes, it's impossible to keep up, I can't imagine anyone…
SECOND OPINION: Unity at the expense of truth
In his speech at the recent New Baptist Covenant celebration, John Grisham urged his hearers to spend as much time ministering out in the streets as they do in the church. No doubt this is in many ways an admirable…
SECOND OPINION: Pursuing edification and discernment
I recently had the privilege of enjoying the hospitality of the Englewood Christian Church of Indianapolis. This congregation isn't as well known as Saddleback, nor has its pastor (Michael Bowling) ever been interviewed by Larry King, but its story is…
SECOND OPINION: Who is master of the house?
In recent discussions about Baptist identity, the phrase “spiritual master” has been seen as a roadblock to Christian liberty. And why not? “Master” sounds so, well, oppressive. Perhaps you are familiar with William Ernest Henley's poem Invictus (i.e., “Unconquered”). It…
SECOND OPINION: What divides us is as important as what unites us
The recent media firestorm over Ann Coulter's comments on whether or not the Jewish people require “perfection” follows the predictable pattern. Like Captain Renault in the movie Casablanca, the hosts of various news programs professed themselves “shocked, shocked” to discover…
SECOND OPINION: Good manners and speaking the truth
The early onset of the presidential campaign has brought with it a renewed call for a “return to civility.” There seems, however, little prospect for any immediate restoration of such civility, assuming that it ever existed. I think there are…
ANOTHER VIEW: Waiting with a purpose
When I was giving birth to our first child, one of the nurses asked my husband how he was doing, since he was just standing there, having nothing to do but watch me struggle through labor. My husband, who would…
ANOTHER VIEW: You are what you eat
If you've never been to a “McDonald's Night,” consider yourself lucky. Now in theory, this is a “win-win” proposition: a fundraiser for my children's school and a night out of the kitchen. It has never been truer, alas, that the…