The word “story” is defined as “an account of past events in someone’s life or in the evolution of something.” I think about this a lot when I travel and speak: How does our story evolve, change and become? How…
Jesus does not ask me to assimilate
I am no longer a teacher, but I often speak and write about biblical justice and immigration. In this context I often hear people say that immigrants do not assimilate. As a good advocate, I am supposed to say, “Yes,…
Want to get started reading Black authors? Here are 10 curated suggestions
Christians needn’t fear reading Black literature that bears painful witness to the historic and ongoing brutality of racism in America, author Claude Atcho said during a webinar hosted by the Equal Justice USA network for evangelicals. After all, congregations that…
Beware the Anti-Anti-Racist Evangelical Complex
Since publication of their new book addressing a Christian view on reparations for descendants of formerly enslaved Americans, Gregory Thompson and Duke Kwon have been met with harsh criticism by the “Anti-Anti-Racist Evangelical Complex.” That’s the best name I can…
Key gospel imperative lost in the hubub of a 24-hour news cycle
“We may not end poverty in the next decade, but I think we can take some significant steps toward reducing food-insecurity in the United States and around the globe.”