A brief period of unrest in Haiti followed by a U.S. government travel warning has led short-term mission groups to postpone travel to the island nation. Youth groups and college spring-breakers in some cases canceled service trips when parents and…
Revisiting ‘Battle for the Minds’ after nearly a quarter of a century
“Battle for the Minds” is not only a historical record of a tumultuous time at a leading Baptist seminary, but also serves as a cautionary tale about the ongoing misogyny within the Southern Baptist ecclesial tradition.
How do the Gospel, social justice ministry and meditation mix? Ask Joe Phelps
If it were anyone else but Joe Phelps, news of a retired Baptist preacher extolling the virtues of meditation as a means of social justice may sound like a sign of the End Times.
Religion Notes: New CBF leader headed for Texas; GWU elects new president
The new executive director of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship will tour parts of Texas during his first week on the job. Paul Baxley is to address meetings in Dallas, Fort Worth, Waco, Austin, San Antonio and Houston March 20-22, Fellowship…
Religion Notes: Many young adults believe while most aren’t so sure
-5,000 immigrants anticipated
-American Baptist office on the move
Why CBF exists: to serve congregations and help them thrive
All the winds of our larger culture push us to respond to difference with isolation, condemnation and even anger. We must find a distinctly Christian way of responding to difference if CBF is to be a Baptist community committed to being a real and remarkable priesthood of all believers.
Religion Notes: Baptist church empties disaster fund to help furloughed workers
-Baylor lands major Lilly grant for music
-Housing for caravan families
CBF elects Georgia pastor Paul Baxley as executive coordinator
Paul Baxley, a 49-year-old pastor who has been active in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship his entire ministry, has been named the organization’s fourth executive coordinator. He begins duties in March. On Tuesday the CBF Governing Board voted unanimously to hire…
Religion Notes: Baptists hear warning from pope during Vatican meeting
-Baptists hold dialogue with Pope Francis
-Prayers for national healing
-Bestselling author to lecture at McAfee