I supported the moderate Baptist movement among Southern Baptists back in the 1980s. But I never dreamed we would end up where a Centrist Baptist like me would find connecting to be so hard.
Pack a constitution with that Bible for overseas mission trips, expert says
A huge challenge facing faith-based groups operating overseas is ignorance about the laws governing religion in other countries. It can get people into a lot of trouble, said Eron Henry, a Jamaian-born American and former communications executive with the Baptist…
Religion Notes: Church giving on rise despite drops in attendance
-Nurturing young children, teens
-Ministry to the military
Hurricane season has ended (yay) but the poor aren’t cheering
The 2018 hurricane season, which officially ends today, unleashed yet another barrage of terrifying and destructive weather that left huge swaths of the nation soaked, flattened – or both. And as usual, it is those with the fewest resources who have been left with the biggest obstacles to overcome.
Faith groups amass compassion for migrant caravan as Trump amasses troops
Members of the migrant caravan winding its way through Mexico voted Thursday night to continue toward the U.S. border, and President Trump has promised to meet them there with troops and stricter asylum rules. But faith is also going to…
Couple narrowly survives Hurricane Michael only to face destruction-induced trauma
Denizens of the Gulf Coast are known as much for their healthy respect for hurricanes as they are for their disdain for evacuating them. Hurricane Michael has destroyed that attitude. “From now on they only have to say there is…
‘They won’t take care of the house anyway’: One small transfusion of justice
“If you come and see the people, and talk with them, they don’t talk about how they’re living on less than $12,000 a year. They’re not talking about the fact that they go to bed hungry at night or that they don’t have a hospital. Their focus is on their joy and the things they do have. There is a lot of love.”
The endless work of combatting rural poverty can leave you in the dark, but hope flickers
On many days, the endless work of combatting rural poverty leaves you in the dark, utterly hopeless, Frances Ford says, but as Perry County’s own begin to build it themselves, hope flickers. True asset-based community development is sluggish work, and, at times, maybe impossible work.
Some responders still barred from areas ravaged by Hurricane Michael
As it awaits the green light to assess and send teams, CBF Florida has been busy contacting friends and family members who have connections in the areas hit hardest by Hurricane Michael.