While scrolling through the pages of the Illumination Project Committee report, my opinion pile began to grow: Good decision; bad decision. I like this; I don’t like that. This is progressive; that is regressive. But as I quieted my own internal committee and let myself become still, I felt the Spirit pressing a cool cloth to my fevered, dualistic mind. “God is at work and more will be revealed” is the word that came.
Breaking the ‘Four Fragile Freedoms’: A response to CBF’s decision on the Illumination Project’s recommendation
The recommendation was written by straight people for straight people. It was written by people who are not affected by the hiring policy for people who are not affected by it either. By including any language of exclusion in the hiring and implementation policies, they have chosen discrimination. It is a policy written from a place of privilege.
Illumination Project: On cooperation, transformation and hope
People are frankly weary of “either-or” thinking and conversations that devolve into shouting matches. They want to see an instance where people of good intentions on all sides of a given topic come together to speak their hearts humbly, charitably and respectfully. If we as people of faith can’t offer such a witness, then who can?
Super Bowl MVP offers key to survival for struggling churches, minister says
Leave it to a pastor to find encouragement for churches in a Super Bowl victory speech. That’s exactly what American Baptist Alan Rudnick does in his Feb. 6 blog post, “Churches, listen to Super Bowl MVP Nick Foles.”
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Seeking Restoration
Congolese refugees and CBF field personnel build Beloved Community in Raleigh By Blake Tommey In 1994, the first time the Pew Research Center polled Americans about the effect of immigrants on the country, 63 percent agreed that immigrants are “a…
Trump insult making life difficult for overseas missionaries
The outrage over the comment made to senators in a meeting on immigration, and which the president eventually denied, has faded as Trump deals with newer scandals, including revelations of a tryst with a porn star. But there are those who continue to simmer about the “shithole” reference, including American Christians who have served as long- and short-term missionaries in some of the African and other nations Trump disparaged.
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As ‘named storms’ bring destruction, ‘named people and churches’ share Christ’s love
It wasn’t until the early 1950s that tropical storms and hurricanes were given short, easily remembered names to cut down on confusion when multiple storms were churning at the same time.
Latino churches adapting to declining Hispanic identity, pastor says
It would be understandable for pastors of Hispanic churches in the United States to worry about new data showing that Latino identity is fading across generations. Wouldn’t that ultimately portend membership declines for ethnic congregations as fewer and fewer self-identify…
Hurricane Harvey brings out the missional in Cambodian Baptist church
Refugees are usually depicted as people in great need. And that’s understandable since most have escaped war and famine with little more than the shirts on their backs. But the devastation brought by Hurricane Harvey has enabled a church in…