The year 2017 may not have been the biggest ever for religion news in the U.S. or the world, but it has to be close.
Angry that the religious right has hijacked the word ‘evangelical’? Let it go, experts say
Thinking of ditching the term “evangelical” to identify yourself as Christian? Get in line. Clergy, scholars, congregational coaches and innumerable laypeople are expressing increasing anger and disgust that the once respected term no longer describes their commitment to Christ and church.
Can Trump’s combative social media style help pastors, churches promote the gospel?
Many observers are raising concerns that some pastors share in President Trump’s hard-core fan-the-flames approach to social media. But there are, other ministers say, confrontational and gentle approaches to social media that can be healing and prophetic.
Author dispels small thinking behind small-church myths
A lot of Christians share the assumption that the bigger the church, the more blessed it is. One of the biggest flaws in that assumption is that it’s poor theology. “God is not more concentrated because there are more of…
The expansion of Google Maps is changing the way missionaries operate
Services such as providing church planters with the religious makeup of specific communities were once the monopoly of denominations and other large groups. Now they are also available from third-party providers.
Churches should drop Easter, Christmas extravaganzas and get out more, experts urge
A few years back — 10 or 15 or so — a small church in Southern California noticed its big holiday productions were feeling a bit stale, especially to younger people. “The old guard was putting on a show for the new people,…
CEO-style pastorates all the rage but offer little to those seeking deeper faith
Most pastors have had administrative responsibilities. But experts say it has gone well beyond that for ministers who are facing increasing pressure to act more like chief executive officers than pastors. Congregations concerned about dwindling numbers — both on the rolls…
Focus on passion, not numbers, in nurturing new congregations
Church planting has never been easy, but it seems to be getting a lot harder in an age of nones, dones and young people who just don’t join things. As a result, those new to the field of launching new…
Fake news hard to avoid, even harder to eradicate
Fake news is big news these days, and many want to know how not to be duped by it. On one level, the solutions are a matter of common sense. “First, you look for verification,” said James Black, assistant director…