The father of post World War II practical church consulting, Lyle Schaller, was my most significant consulting mentor and spoke prophetically into my life. He taught me amazing things about congregations, how to consult with them, and how to bring…
Churchless Believers: A fresh path for engaging inactive members
A notable prevalent trend among church life is about half or more of members are absent from church services on any given week. In fact, in many traditions, most cannot even locate half or more of their membership. Could it…
I’m not tolerant.
It seems progressive Christians are often being attacked by other Christians for our “tolerance.” I don’t know about my fellow clergy, but I don’t recall that I have ever used the word tolerant in a sermon. I haven’t applauded tolerance…
Love already won
My grandmother, Eva Mae Thomas, was my first catechizer and theologian. At the age of 12, she put a pen and notepad in my hand and asked me to “write down all the Scriptures that the preacher says.” There were…
Confessions of a middle-aged pastor
Thirty seven years ago this past month I was called to my first church staff position at the age of 18. Thinking about those early beginnings has led me to reminisce about the peculiarity of my calling and my pastoral…
Theology: A focus for thinking
This is the seventh article of a nine-part series on empowering a faith community to impact the world. Already hospitality, evangelism, missions, ethics, Bible, and spirituality have been explored. In his book Becoming a Thinking Christian, John Cobb promotes the…
Spiritual Treasures: An ancient-modern church in a foreign land
The landmarks in Georgia are their historic houses of worship. Traveling east, west, north or south in the country — which is a little smaller than the state of South Carolina — one finds highways littered with signs indicating the…
Looking forward with faith
Faith is awe in the face of mystery. – Rudolf Otto We gazed silently alongside an uncountable amount of people. The oddity was not in the differences of those of us present but in the symmetry of what we all…
Churchless believers – Searching for anchors for the next phase of life
Churchless believers is an unfolding conversation I’m having with some colleagues, neighbors, friends and churches. The more we talk, the more dimensions appear that intrigue me and help me understand and possibly explain some of what is going on in…