By David Gushee The past decade or so has witnessed a surge of Christian theological work that features the kingdom of God as its central theme. This is certainly not the only current trend in theology or ethics. On the…
Truly supporting our troops
By Miguel De La Torre Regardless of one’s feelings about the war in Iraq, it is important to provide support to the young men and women who put their lives on the line in obedience to their country’s call. One…
Losing the Bible
By Bruce Gourley The “Battle for the Bible” is over, and the Bible lost. Sometime within the past 33 years since Harold Lindsell fired the first public shot in the Bible battle, fundamentalist Christians (including not a few Baptists) quietly placed…
Can Christian citizenship survive?
By David Gushee It seems increasingly clear that Christians in America have no viable understanding of what used to be called “Christian citizenship.” Let’s use these two working definitions to anchor our discussion: Citizenship is the condition of being vested…
Of sheep, goats and aliens
By Miguel De La Torre We should always be careful with biblical interpretations that divorce theology from action. How do we guard from reducing the mystery of God into a simple salvation formula that cheapens what was costly to God?…
Being ecumenical
By Paula Clayton Dempsey During my initial involvement as a representative of the Alliance of Baptists at the National Council of Churches, I grew to realize that all I need to know about ecumenism, I learned in Hurdle Mills, N.C….
Will Obama pull us back from empire?
By David Gushee I write to introduce you to a hugely important, deeply pessimistic book that ought to be read by every thoughtful Christian, including the one in the White House. The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism,…
Graduation and a ‘naked public square’
By David Gushee Two years ago, we moved from west Tennessee to Atlanta for me to begin work at Mercer University. One of the many changes that this move brought to my family was a shift in schooling for my…
Opinion: Graduation and a ‘naked public square’
(ABP) — Two years ago, we moved from west Tennessee to Atlanta for me to begin work at Mercer University. One of the many changes that this move brought to my family was a shift in schooling for my high-school-age…