By Doug Weaver Religious freedom has long been considered the “trophy” of Baptists — even if some Baptists of yesteryear weren’t as radical as heroes like Roger Williams, John Clarke, Obadiah Holmes and John Leland — and accounts of Baptists…
Confessions, appointees and tax codes
By Benjamin Cole In her recent book, The Art of the Public Grovel, Susan Wise Bauer traces the influence of 19th-century evangelical confession upon modern political speech. From Bill Clinton’s infamous intern scandal to the recent descent of superstar pastor…
God as athletic director
By James L. Evans We have all seen it. A football player makes a big play, scores the winning touchdown, drops to one knee and points a finger towards the heavens. What does it mean when, in a moment of…
Torture: Reflecting on a long, illuminating battle
By David Gushee It is still hard to believe that the hopes we have nurtured in the Christian anti-torture movement would come to fruition — and so early, and so comprehensively, as they did with President Obama’s executive orders on…
Wrestling with God’s word
By Miguel De La Torre Since converting to Christianity in my early 20s, I have found the biblical text to be a crucial part of my spiritual formation. I look to the Scriptures for truths and wisdom upon which to…
A humbled nation summons itself
By David Gushee It was a humbled but hopeful America on display Tuesday in Washington. Staggered by economic crisis, wearied by two long, unresolved wars and damaged in its confidence and character, our nation summoned itself on Tuesday to enter…
Thoughts on protecting the sanctity of marriage
By David Gushee As I write this column, Jeanie and I are preparing to gather with a half-dozen young couples at church to begin a marriage class. For six weeks we will meet together to discuss ways that these nearly-…
Bush response to shoe-thrower a shameless act
By Miguel De La Torre By now we have all seen the endless media loops of the Iraqi journalist named Muntadhir al-Zaidi throwing his size 10 shoes at President Bush on Dec. 14. Al-Zaidi called Bush a “dog” and hurled…
Holy longings
By David Gushee For both professional and personal reasons, I am returning this year to an engagement with the best Christian theological reflection that I can find. Professionally, I am attempting to seed the ground for the completion of a…