By Isa Torres I am an outsider. I did not live through the experience of the takeover that started in the 1970s. I am not one who saw the emotional and physical expulsion of so many out of Southern Baptist…
Waiting for reconciliation
By Isa Torres I am an outsider. I did not live through the experience of the takeover that started in the 1970s. I am not one who saw the emotional and physical expulsion of so many out of Southern Baptist…
Baptist conservatives should celebrate quickly
By Alan Bean According to a front page, above-the-fold, article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has launched a 12-year project that will see 69 heroes of the conservative resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention celebrated in…
An open letter to young CBF leaders
By Sara Hunt Young CBF leaders, I’m one of you. We’re on the same team, you and I. Our stories are woven with similar threads. You and I, we’re passionate, alive and ready to see the good news of our…
Broken immigration system breaking lives
By Miguel De La Torre We often say our immigration system is broken, but seldom do we contemplate how our immigration system is breaking lives. Sandra Lopez is just one life to be crushed under the immigration grinding mill. She…
Nelson Mandela: Peace wager
By Alan Rudnick As the world reacts to the death of Nelson Mandela, we cannot help but read and understand his amazing history of peace. Fighting against injustice and apartheid in South Africa were his notable achievements, but Mandela did…
Liberal like Jesus
By Terry Maples Language naturally evolves over time. I’ve observed the evolution of many words since my childhood. One example is the word “mouse.” When I was young the word referred to an undesirable furry rodent or the more winsome…
Dear CBF
By Lesley-Ann Hix I was in elementary school when my church ordained one of our female ministers. We were excited. We even decorated her car. Someone painted, “Take that, Paige Patterson!” I asked my mom what it meant. “She’s a…
A season to prepare
By Jerrod Hugenot Perhaps like you, I find myself somewhere between the heady rush of the season’s good tidings and the weighty counterpoint of reality.” How does one navigate the “Christmas season” while admitting that it’s a difficult time for…