By Miguel De La Torre A candidate for the presidency of the United States of America was not born in the United States. Not only was his father not an American, born in some third-world country, but so was the…
Citizenship questions cloud candidate’s eligibility
By Miguel De La Torre A candidate for the presidency of the United States of America was not born in the United States. Not only was his father not an American, born in some third-world country, but so was the…
A fundamentally unserious culture
By David Gushee Months ago I agreed to a heavy travel schedule that would take me away from the television during the climax of our endless presidential campaign. I caught glimpses of the VP debate at a diner in New…
Billy Graham and politics: Woe to us
By Mark Wingfield My maternal grandmother thought Billy Graham was a saint above all others. You simply could not say anything negative about the evangelist in her presence. She held the same regard for Jimmy Carter, because she considered him…
Mumford & Sons sing of grace and life
By Darrell Gwaltney I have been listening to Mumford & Sons’ new album Babel. Its deep biblical allusions and challenging lyrics about relationships and redemption invite repeated listenings. There’s enough in the album to keep my attention for a while….
Bridging the hospitality gap
By Terry Maples Recently I read an article by a newly retired Baptist minister who recounted experiences while searching for a new church home. He sadly reported members in most churches where he visited ignored him. Hospitality was lacking. Members…
American politics, in the style of C.S. Lewis
By Isaac Sharp Nephew, You are, no doubt, aware that the Americans are amidst one of their most important and highly revered seasons of life. A time when many people feel that, as T.S. Eliot once said: “An election is…
Re-thinking pastor appreciation
By Elizabeth Evans Hagan Last year about this time, I posted a question to several pastoral colleagues on Twitter: “It’s Pastor Appreciation Month, do you feel appreciated?” I was curious about its observance. Many of my colleagues responded back quickly,…
Nonviolence out of the abstract
By Miguel De La Torre As a social ethicist, I wrestle with issues concerning the use or rejection of violence. Should we, as a community, engage in violence when our lives and/or way of life are threatened? Or do we…