By Laura Rector The aftermath of a recent election brings tears to my eyes. No, it’s not from an elephant kick or donkey shakedown. It’s not a cry over spilt tea, and there’s not a Rand Paul or Barbara Boxer-shaped…
National Adoption Month a reminder even for an adoptive mom
By Pamela Durso Growing up November was always my favorite month, and for two really good reasons: Thanksgiving and my birthday! But I now have another reason to like November. It is National Adoption Month. As an adoptive mother for…
Musings on Election 2010
By David Gushee Augustine’s “Two Cities” theology of politics and history seems apropos today. The churches, motivated by love of God and neighbor, are called to join with their neighbors in pursuit of the contingent but significant common goods…
The ghouls and goblins of Election Day
By Carl Hoover Fear stalks my neighborhood each Halloween. And fear is stalking America this Election Day. Fear stalked my house two days ago in the form of zombies, child vampires, bloody psychos and masked characters, knocking on front doors…
Would Jesus vote Democratic or Republican?
By Barry Howard Nov. 2 is Election Day around the country. In the state of Florida, where I live, citizens will be electing a new governor and a new senator in hotly contested races, and several other important local offices…
Juan Williams, censorship and outward appearances
By Jim Denison Until October 18, Juan Williams was known as a journalist and author. Now he is a cause. Williams worked for The Washington Post for 24 years, where he was once nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. He also…
The Reformation was a tragic necessity
By Timothy George This coming Sunday, Reformation Day, many Baptists will join millions of other Protestant believers around the world in celebrating an event that took place on Oct. 31, 1517. On that day, an obscure Augustinian monk named Martin…
Baptists reformed the Reformers
By Joseph Perdue This Sunday, Oct. 31, marks the 493rd anniversary of the most famous (or infamous, depending on one’s perspective) protest in the history of Western Christianity. An Augustinian monk named Martin Luther nailed a scholarly work to the…
Fairness and freedom
By David Wilkinson Another Baptist editor has been ushered out. And that thud you hear is another door to Baptist freedom slamming shut behind him. Technically, Norman Jameson is still editor of the Biblical Recorder of North Carolina, one of…