Cornelia Hagens, volunteer with the QC Family Tree youth group, speaks about what justicelooks like for children and teenagers in Enderly Park, Charlotte, NC. In this series on QC Family Tree, we learn how the Jarrells are organizing to combat…
Video: Why are you fighting for stable housing in West Charlotte?
Frank Byers speaks about his experience with gentrification and displacement, and why his community is fighting to maintain stable housing in Enderly Park. Frank is a long-time Charlotte resident and chair of the West Side Community Land Trust. In…
Photo Gallery: QC Family Tree in photos
All photos taken in this photo gallery of QC Family Tree are by Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”6″ gal_title=”Family Tree”] In this series on QC Family Tree, we learn how the Jarrells are organizing to combat gentrification, which increasingly threatens long-time…
Failing to recognize the Jesus of the haters
I’m a social liberal. Want to know why? Jesus. Not the Jesus as interpreted by Paul. The Jesus of the Gospels. I grew up in a Baptist church in rural Texas and we went to church at least twice a…
The need for compassionate correctness
In the aftermath of the presidential election, the “N” word (a vicious reference to African-American human beings) is making a public comeback. In a Nov. 14 essay, the online journal, Fusion, documented multiple N-word postings, many related to schools, including…
Yes, I have an agenda. There, I said it.
Nearly every time I hear the word “agenda,” it is used as an accusation, as if good and honest people would never have such a thing as an agenda, as if it is OK to do what is compassionate and…
Great Commission and Great Commandment without synergy?
Do you remember where you were and what you were doing on the morning of September 11, 2001? I do too. That is a morning very difficult to forget. I was sitting in the lobby restaurant of a hotel in…
Good news for exiles
My morning routine is pretty standard. After my alarm goes off, I hop in the shower, fix some breakfast, and head to work. Sometimes I find a few minutes to read my Bible and pray, but even then, I have…
Perspectives on immigration – the influence of religion
As a native of Florida, there is a certain pride and frustration present in a bumper-sticker message we natives desire to send to the many seasonal residents of the sunshine state. The message is simple and straight-forward, “Welcome to Florida,…