By Jimmy Gawne Every weekend millions of Americans gather together in homes, sports bars, community centers and even houses of worship. They set aside differences of politics, religion, gender and sexuality. Joined by a bond high speed, each proclaims his…
Pastors call for Thomas Nelson boycott
By Bob Allen A group of Cincinnati pastors and church leaders is boycotting Thomas Nelson Publishers over David Barton’s book The Jefferson Lies, saying it glosses over the third president’s racism and justifies his ownership of slaves. Black and white…
Don’t count out the church organ just yet
By Jeff Brumley There are times, Shaun King says, when worship music should be energetic, light or joyful. That’s when instruments like pianos, drums and guitars do the trick. But then there are times when the sound needs to be…
Churches aid learning with food
By Bob Allen Before long, youngsters toting backpacks back and forth to school will be a common sight, but for about 40 students at Peck Elementary School in Greensboro, N.C., they will carry something more vital than just notebooks and…
Education ‘today’s civil-rights issue’
By Bob Allen A new kind of “school choice” agenda is gaining ground as more and more young adults — including Christians concerned about social justice — choose teaching in public schools over more lucrative and less challenging careers. U.S….
‘Different than other cultures’
By Bill Leonard It happened again. Barely a year after six people were killed and a U.S. congresswoman and 13 others wounded in Tucson, Ariz., yet another deeply troubled shooter brought death to 12 individuals, wounding 58 others at a…
‘Different than other cultures’
By Bill Leonard It happened again. Barely a year after six people were killed and a U.S. congresswoman and 13 others wounded in Tucson, Ariz., yet another deeply troubled shooter brought death to 12 individuals, wounding 58 others at a…
The end of the church as we know it
By Amy Butler Has anybody out there noticed that church attendance has been lower lately? The church budget is stretched thin because fewer people are giving? You can’t get a commitment out of people who are so busy they are…
The end of the world as we know it
By Amy Butler Has anybody out there noticed that church attendance has been lower lately? The church budget is stretched thin because fewer people are giving? You can’t get a commitment out of people who are so busy they are…