By Amy Butler Has anybody out there noticed that church attendance has been lower lately? The church budget is stretched thin because fewer people are giving? You can’t get a commitment out of people who are so busy they are…
The end of the world as we know it
By Amy Butler Has anybody out there noticed that church attendance has been lower lately? The church budget is stretched thin because fewer people are giving? You can’t get a commitment out of people who are so busy they are…
The end of the world as we know it
By Amy Butler Has anybody out there noticed that church attendance has been lower lately? The church budget is stretched thin because fewer people are giving? You can’t get a commitment out of people who are so busy they are…
Colorado tragedy affects Texas family
By Bob Allen The impact of last week’s shooting rampage at a Colorado movie theater was felt as far away as Texas, where a family well-known among Texas Baptists mourned the loss of a brother and son. Texas native Gordon…
Chaplain at same-sex wedding leaving SBC
By Bob Allen A Southern Baptist-endorsed Air Force chaplain portrayed recently in national media as watching approvingly the blessing of a same-sex civil union in the chapel he oversees informed officials at the SBC North American Mission Board July 19…
Railing at God, as God rails at us
By Bob Setzer Like most Americans, I am heartsick about the tragic shooting at a theater in Aurora, Colo. When the faces of the 12 people who died so young and full of life scroll past on my computer screen,…
Railing at God, as God rails at us
By Bob Setzer Like most Americans, I am heartsick about the tragic shooting at a theater in Aurora, Colo. When the faces of the 12 people who died so young and full of life scroll past on my computer screen,…
Why the world needs ‘Glee’
By J. Barrett Owen In a postmodern, post-denominational, post-Christian, post-religious, post-everything world, the church has floundered on developing a consistent message to help transform culture. The church attempted to entertain, but not many 20-somethings woke up to hear a bad…
Changes come to midweek church
By Jeff Brumley The look and feel of the Wednesday night church service is beginning to change as congregations – at least the ones trying to survive – seek to become more intentional and relevant to the communities they serve,…