By Jeff Brumley Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Florida members have a wide range of interfaith and international topics to choose from at their Spring Celebration in Orlando this week. The meeting, May 2-3 at College Park Baptist Church, includes workshops,…
Why it doesn’t matter if Noah film is inaccurate
Noah starring Russell Crowe has seen success at the box office with the general public but not everyone is happy about the film. Some claim that the Noah story was hijacked and is inaccurate. True, there are parts of Noah…
Stripped of power: Saying goodbye to Christian America, part III
David Gushee Follow David on twitter: @dpgushee Last week I explored the potential downside of the demise of Christian influence in America. I suggested that U.S. culture continues to live on borrowed ethical capital from the Christian theological tradition, but…
Don’t celebrate just yet: Saying goodbye to Christian America, part II
By David Gushee Follow David on twitter: @dpgushee In my last article, I suggested that realism demands that we “say goodbye to Christian America,” because it is passing. I intended to join neither those who wholly celebrate this fact nor…
Saying goodbye to Christian America
By David P. Gushee Follow David on twitter: @dpgushee One day in a doctoral seminar at Union Seminary, my ethics mentor Larry Rasmussen said words I will never forget: “There are advantages and disadvantages in every power position for the…
You mean they weren’t so bad after all?
A recent cover story on Christianity Today tells of the groundbreaking research of Dr. Robert Woodberry. Dr. Woodberry has done a thorough examination of the economic and political realities of a number of formerly colonially-controlled modern nations and sought an…
Norman Rockwell and Blanche Dubois
Say the name “Norman Rockwell,” and immediately iconic images of vintage Americana spring to mind. His paintings for Boy Scouts of America and for the covers of the Saturday Evening Post all portray a vision of American life that we…
I see what you did there
This past fall I was intrigued enough by the promos for the Fox drama, Sleepy Hollow, to watch. With the first season now ended, here are some reflections on the show and some of the worldview assumptions undergirding it. For…
Charting clergy trust
By Bill Leonard “Please tell me how you would rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in these different fields — very high, high, average, low, very low.” That’s the question asked in a Gallup poll regarding ethics and…