Thus, I may not watch any of the Super Bowl-mainly because with all of the hype it seems to border on being idolatrous. Consider the cost of attending the Super Bowl. Five days ago I checked to see what it…
Make room for young people
Like any committed churchgoer these days, I’ve long known that the church is graying fast. But even so, I was taken aback recently when a friend said to me, “You and my grandmother are the only people I know who…
Have no fear
Time to rethink everything
By Jim Kitchens CHC Consultant When I was the pastor of Second Presbyterian in Nashville, one of my friends was the pastor of a thriving tall steeple United Methodist church in town. It was the sort of church that might…
Critiquing Islam – and ourselves
The heresy of worshiptainment
The great heresy of the church today is that we think we’re in the entertainment business. A.W. Tozer believed this to be true back in the 1950s and 60s. Church members “want to be entertained while they are edified.” He…
Finding a way forward through relationships
Small town churches embracing identity as sacred space
I was once on staff at a small church in the Houston area. We had less than 150 people weekly, but our property situated on a busy road where nearly 30,000 cars a day passed us by. One might think…