Candidates broke records for campaign spending last fall. This seems like a terrific waste of money, especially all the attack ads. If you could take all that money and channel it to gospel causes, how would you spend it? Look…
RIGHT or WRONG? Limited resources
The economic crisis in Europe, launched by the calamity in Greece, caused me to realize we are a global economy. What happens anywhere on the planet can affect the whole world, and resources are limited. So, we all need to…
RIGHT or WRONG? Water as a weapon
James Workman has written a book, Heart of Dryness: How the Last Bushmen Can Help Us Endure the Coming Age of Permanent Drought. Is this another example of the paradoxical nature of simplified living, only applied on a global scale?…
RIGHT OR WRONG: Church assistance for those impacted by the economy
My pastor tells me that, with the downturn in the economy, more people are requesting assistance from our church. We have limited funds. What can we do? Your church is not alone in facing the extra strain on resources. Having…