If Baylor University doesn’t begin to recognize and respond in Christian love to the diversity of its students we not only have failed to measure up to the model of Jesus; we are identifying with the rigid textual literalism he faced 2,000 years ago.
After a shoot-from-the-hip email, this skeptical pastor sits face to face with CBF’s new CEO
Will there be a place in CBF life for folks like me? Armed for bear, a skeptical pastor sits down for coffee and conversation with the new leader of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Here’s what she discovered.
Why CBF exists: to serve congregations and help them thrive
All the winds of our larger culture push us to respond to difference with isolation, condemnation and even anger. We must find a distinctly Christian way of responding to difference if CBF is to be a Baptist community committed to being a real and remarkable priesthood of all believers.
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Cultural diversity is part of the great redemptive purpose of God
Given the current mood in the country and the moral and ethical dilemmas the nation faces, how is the church to respond? Baptist pastor Wendell Griffen offers leadership on how to deal with the challenges and opportunities of being people of prophetic hope in a divisive time.
Awkward and peculiar: What the gospel calls us to be
There is an axiom among those who study world religions: In exploring other faiths, we see our own with fresh eyes. I recently returned from a pilgrimage to Israel. In a very real way, my trip enabled me to see…
A confession of racism from a non-racist
I drove slowly and nervously down a narrow street on a sunny, humid morning, hoping the Google Maps lady wasn’t leading me astray. There were crumbling, dilapidated row houses as far as the eye could see. “This might be one…
Black pastor urges CBF to partner with institutions in the ‘hood’
An African-American pastor says Baptists should become less concerned about “just having blacks in white space” for the sake of diversity and more involved in building institutions that empower predominantly black neighborhoods.
No great wisdom, just a willingness to speak out
I’m not a “media hog.” I really don’t go looking for ways to get noticed, quoted, published, but it’s not been uncommon recently for a local television station reporter to show up seeking a voice from “our perspective.” It didn’t…
Diversity plan divides Baylor faculty
By Bob Allen A Baylor University official charged with creating a position to increase racial, ethnic and gender diversity among faculty and staff has resigned after less than eight months on the job. “After prayerful consideration and consultation with my…