As national media flocked to Dallas to watch the Southern Baptist Convention reckon with a generational shift in thinking about women, race and partisan politics, one light rail stop away a smaller and lesser-known group met under the radar to…
Illumination Project: On cooperation, transformation and hope
People are frankly weary of “either-or” thinking and conversations that devolve into shouting matches. They want to see an instance where people of good intentions on all sides of a given topic come together to speak their hearts humbly, charitably and respectfully. If we as people of faith can’t offer such a witness, then who can?
Former United Way executive nominated to lead CBF
Former St. Louis United Way CEO Gary Dollar has been nominated as 28th moderator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Dollar, a former member of the CBF Governing Board, will be voted on as moderator-elect when the 1,800-church Fellowship meets June…
Doug Dortch nominated as CBF moderator-elect
By Bob Allen Veteran pastor Doug Dortch has been selected to be in line as 26th moderator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Dortch, senior minister of Mountain Brook Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., will be nominated as moderator-elect of the…