There is a wonderful line in To Kill a Mockingbird. After Atticus and Jem return from a visit to the Robinson home, where Atticus is called an ugly name, Atticus looks at his son, Jem and says, “There’s a lot…
Baptist scholars urge churches adopt in-depth theological teaching for lay people
By Jeff Brumley Ongoing spiritual formation for adults at Northminster Baptist Church in Jackson, Miss., goes way beyond Sunday school. In fact, it borders on divinity school. “Right now in our two-year study … we are studying Bible, church history…
8 topics that ought to be on every youth minister’s agenda
One of the hardest jobs in a church these days is that of youth minister. Not just because the schedule of activities can be grueling or the work can be physically demanding. The reason, instead, is ever-increasing demands placed on…
Adventures in missing the point
It’s once again graduation season. And what does graduation season mean? No more school! No more books! No more teachers’ dirty looks … well, scratch that last part. As Alice Cooper sang in his 1972 single, “School’s out for the…
Texas public schools are not ‘Godless environment’
Speaking passionately and personally, we pastors are for Texas children, and we are alarmed at the language and legislation coming from some of the most powerful people in our land. It attacks neighborhood and community schools and the dedicated, faithful…
Texas Baptists take sides in school choice, pastor protection legislation
By Bob Allen A Texas Baptist official bemoaned a school voucher vote in the state Senate and supported a House measure to protect clergy from being forced to officiate over same-sex marriages in recent debate at the Texas State Capitol…
Churches join schools to tackle educational challenges
Kalie Lowrie Two years ago, Principal Marta Plata of Manuel Jara Elementary School in Fort Worth, Texas, recognized her school needed help. She realized her teachers could work tirelessly every year to educate students and empower them to be their…
The Christian university is a home, however imperfect, for pilgrims of the Way
As nations require a constitution to establish jurisdiction, so religions depend upon a canon to provide jurisprudence. A nation which nullifies its constitution will descend into chaos, as will a religion which annuls its authoritative verse. Sadly, in some quarters…
The execution of a graduate: Struggles for life at Candler School of Theology
I needed a theological education that could save my life. For years, I struggled to survive under the weight of what I was taught at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I just couldn’t believe that God hated so many people.