By Robert Dilday When Congress overwhelmingly approved a measure last month to relieve spiraling student debt, churches probably didn’t realize the problem hits closer to home than expected — many pastors are leaving seminary and divinity school with tens of…
Sharpen the axe
Abraham Lincoln is reported to have said: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” This approach to preparation was popularized by Stephen Covey in his book The 7…
Baylor receives record gift
By Bob Allen An El Paso businessman has donated $35 million to Baylor University, reportedly the largest gift by a living alumnus in the history of the Baptist-affiliated school in Waco, Texas. The gift by Texas oilman Paul Foster will…
‘Lord, bless these graduates’
By Mark Wingfield Graduate recognition Sunday at church always makes me a bit teary. I held it together this year, but only by a thread, even though I was the one voicing the prayer of blessing in morning worship today….
Young ministers want to be mentored
Starting out in any field is not easy, but ministry has its own challenges. Most congregations expect that their new pastor or staff member will “hit the ground running” and be ready to deal with both the routine and the…
The best/worst graduation speech ever
A couple of years ago, I attended a graduation ceremony at Emory University. The keynote speaker was the chief of surgery at one of the nation’s leading hospitals. I didn’t know him, but apparently he was a huge deal. As you might…
Cal Baptist lawsuit moves forward
By Bob Allen California Baptist University lost a bid to dismiss a lawsuit filed by a transgender former student expelled after revealing on MTV’s “True Life” that she is biologically male. Domaine Javier, 26, filed a lawsuit Feb. 25 accusing…
B.H. Carroll Institute shifting leaders
By Ken Camp Bruce Corley announced plans to resign as president of the B.H. Carroll Theological Institute, effective after the October meeting of the school’s governing board. “This step comes after careful reflection and prayer,” said Leon Leach, chair of…
CBF ventures into e-learning
By Daniel Wallace The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship today will add the World Wide Web to its stable of ministries and missions with a devotional “e-course.” The digital devotional, which is being offered in partnership with The Upper Room, is titled…