Joe Paterno was an iconic figure, loved by college football and the community where he lived. Unfortunately, his career and reputation were tarnished by accusations that Paterno had protected his assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky, who for decades molested children. While…
Andy Stanley wants to refocus American evangelicals on Jesus more than politics
Critics say Andy Stanley doesn’t take political involvement seriously. He begs to differ. The author of a new book titled Not In It To Win It, Stanley is a man on a mission to challenge the American evangelical church to…
Christianity: Where the end justifies the means
It is hard not to argue that conservative Christians led the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade — whether they be evangelicals, Roman Catholics, Mormons or Eastern Orthodox. Since the rise of the Moral Majority, Paul Weyrich, the Christian Coalition…
Author explores contradiction of evangelical support for prison ministry and tough-on-crime laws at same time
It’s hardly surprising that evangelicals have a passion for jail and prison ministries in order to bring comfort and conversion to the incarcerated, historian Aaron Griffith noted during a recent webinar hosted by the Equal Justice USA Evangelical Network. But…
Do conservative evangelicals enjoy better sex and marriage? A response to Josh Howerton
Are conservative Christians doing better than people think when it comes to sex and marriage? That’s what Josh Howerton, senior pastor of Lakepointe Church, a Dallas megachurch, claimed in a viral twitter thread. He said conservative Christians who believe in…
Evangelical leaders descend on Capitol to advocate for immigration reform now
About 200 evangelical leaders, including many megachurch pastors from around the country, descended on Washington, D.C., May 3 for two days of intense lobbying of Congress on the issue of immigration reform. The faith-based blitz was coordinated by the National…
Alito and public opinion reveal the link between Roe and a broader white Christian nationalist agenda
Like many of you, I’m still taking in the bombshell news — broken by Politico Monday night — that the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that affirmed a constitutional right…
Have evangelicals become libertarians or have libertarians become evangelicals?
Libertarians and evangelicals are hard to tell apart these days. Is that because libertarians are becoming more religious or because evangelicals are becoming more political? I’m reminded of the corporate executive who once explained to me, “Remember that mergers are…
The futility of framing one another as progressives and evangelicals, devils and dummies
In politics, “framing” is the attempt to alter reality by selecting words, slogans and tropes that convince the public to see the other side in a certain negative way. As Robert Entman explains, “To frame is to select some aspects of a perceived…