No matter if we are talking about abortion, LGBTQI issues or politics, we need to stop thinking we can change the world with an angry Facebook post or a partisan online article. We need face-to face conversations that humanize one another.
Why ministers shouldn’t walk away from social media
Ministers may not like the present reality of how people communicate, but it is the present reality. If we opt out of social media, we remove our voices from the conversation and fail to be informed about what others are doing and saying.
Teens say social media deepens friendships. Some aren’t buying it.
If I have 1,100 people I am friends with on Facebook, how many of those friends do I really have relationships with?
Why Christians must stay on social media despite the hassles and hostility
While sometimes fun and useful, Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites can also be nasty, even scary places. But is that reason for churches and Christians to abandon social media completely? Editor and social media critic Richard Clark took…
Churches must ‘count the cost’ of pursuing youth on social media
Youth have abandoned Facebook in favor of other social media platforms. Data recently released by the Pew Research Center shows Facebook rates fourth behind YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat among young people. So, should churches with strong Facebook presences follow younger…
Can Trump’s combative social media style help pastors, churches promote the gospel?
Many observers are raising concerns that some pastors share in President Trump’s hard-core fan-the-flames approach to social media. But there are, other ministers say, confrontational and gentle approaches to social media that can be healing and prophetic.
Ministry unfolds ‘on the cellular level’ for those in Harvey’s path
Don’t ask a Houston resident how the city is doing. Trapped on top of rooftops or in shelters, or in homes with no power, it’s likely they know little more than their own situations. Clergy there are trying to make contact with their congregegants by phone and social media.
Pick your reaction: Facebook’s rainbow flag emoji rankles some; their response worries others
When Facebook briefly rolled out a new Pride Flag emoji last month as a reaction option on users’ posts, some adopted it enthusiastically. Others asked for additional emojis — including a Christian cross.
As faith-based activism rises, so does need for advocacy training
Donald Trump’s November victory and January inauguration cast many into despair about the nation’s future and into doubt about its values. But Trump’s presidency so far has also produced at least one upside: to inspire tens of thousands, if not…