In 1980, Chuck Poole was a young college graduate from rural Georgia who had been convinced by a friend to enroll at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C. Poole and his wife, Marcia, loaded all their worldly possessions…
Pandemic has accelerated needed changes in churches, panelists report
The COVID-19 pandemic posed challenges to churches, but it also helped them sift through outdated programming and policies to reinvent ministry going forward, according to panelists of “Expanding Engagement in the Local Church,” an Aug. 25 workshop of the Cooperative…
Summer youth ministry was definitely different but still happened
Summer usually is a high-water mark in youth ministries — a time of long hours but tremendous growth. Summer allows youth ministers to spend more time with students, going on lunch outings or to the movies, and traveling for hours…
No Millennials in church? They may be working, expert says
Charging Millennials with rejecting church and being undisciplined givers doesn’t take into account the multitude of economic and social factors that characterize their lives.
Pastoral residencies picking up as churches expand ministry, purpose
By Jeff Brumley It’s hardly news anymore that Baptist and other churches are struggling to rediscover their identity and relevance in a postmodern, post-Christian era. But what is getting church leaders’ attention is the growing number of congregations finding their…