Gospel Gothic, a Sunday-morning radio show hosted by Jake Hall, pastor of Highland Hills Baptist Church in Macon, G.A., features candid conversation about faith in the Christ-haunted South interlaced with celebrated roots music. Together, Jake Hall with Brad Evans and…
Video: Why use music for outreach in Macon
Gospel Gothic, a Sunday-morning radio show hosted by Jake Hall, pastor of Highland Hills Baptist Church in Macon, G.A., features candid conversation about faith in the Christ-haunted South interlaced with celebrated roots music. Together, Jake Hall with Brad Evans and…
Video: How the magic is made at Gospel Gothic
Gospel Gothic, a Sunday-morning radio show hosted by Jake Hall, pastor of Highland Hills Baptist Church in Macon, G.A., features candid conversation about faith in the Christ-haunted South interlaced with celebrated roots music. Together, Jake Hall with Brad Evans and…
Photo Gallery: Jake Hall, Gospel Gothic, Music and Radio
All photos taken in this photo gallery of Jake Hall and Gospel Gothic are by Jenna Eason. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”19″ gal_title=”Jake Hall: Gospel Gothic, Music and Podcasts”] In this ‘Signature Ministries’ series, Gospel Gothic, a Sunday-morning radio show hosted by Jake…
As faith-based activism rises, so does need for advocacy training
Donald Trump’s November victory and January inauguration cast many into despair about the nation’s future and into doubt about its values. But Trump’s presidency so far has also produced at least one upside: to inspire tens of thousands, if not…
What’s driving religious freedom debate in the U.S.? Fear, say some.
It was just about a year ago when Baptist writer and minister Corey Fields wrote a column critiquing a spate of “religious freedom” bills pushed through statehouses around the country. Indiana’s version was one of the more high-profile measures. It…
Opponents see indicators that death penalty on its way out in U.S.
Melissa Browning was drawn deep into the anti-death penalty movement when the state of Georgia was trying to kill Kelly Gissendaner last year. There were plenty of ups, including multiple delays in her execution date. And there were downs, too,…
Spiritual Treasures: An ancient-modern church in a foreign land
The landmarks in Georgia are their historic houses of worship. Traveling east, west, north or south in the country — which is a little smaller than the state of South Carolina — one finds highways littered with signs indicating the…
How toasts around the table bring surprising blessings among foreigners
That which we give makes us richer, that which is hoarded is lost. ~Shota Rustaveli, 12th Century Georgian poet Boredom was on the faces of the university students as they, their professor, a pastor and I waited in the stuffy…