If I thought Nazi-era Germany was an aberration I could probably move on; but in Donald Trump’s America, who can think that? The Church of Jesus Christ is confronted by an anti-Gospel once again. The German Church never acknowledged her complicity with the National Socialists, and the white churches of America are equally resistant to truth.
Did Baptists do enough to respond to the Holocaust? It’s complicated, says Baptist leader in new book
Were Baptists in the United States truly concerned, or were they apathetic in the face of the persecution and attempted extermination of the Jewish people?
Besides gore, zombie films offer rich spiritual formation lessons, prof says
Zombie dramas are known for being full of blood and guts, horror and death — lots and lots of death. But is it possible they also offer lessons in ethics and spiritual formation? Greg Garrett, a Baylor University professor, author and…
A visit to Treblinka
We arrived in the city of Treblinka with some trepidation. Our drive had taken longer than expected so we were anxious to get off the bus and see the memorial. We drove passed the city limit sign. We drove through…
Never again!
We keep saying it: “never again!” When I visited the Holocaust Museums in Jerusalem and in Washington, D.C, I could feel my heart saying “never again should something like this be allowed to happen”. Within a few months of the…
The Banality of Evil
“Banality” is not a word that we often hear. The dictionary I consulted defines it as “the condition or quality of being banal, or devoid of freshness or originality.” “Triteness,” “staleness,” and “unimaginativeness” are synonyms for banality.