Three Baptist universities are among 25 faith-based schools named in a class-action lawsuit filed March 29 against the U.S. Department of Education, with claims of unlawful discrimination against LGBTQ students. The suit, filed in U.S District Court in Eugene, Ore.,…
Most Americans believe in supernatural healing. But do Baptists?
Most Americans believe the supernatural can heal physical illnesses and ailments, a new study shows. And evangelicals lead the way in that belief, Barna found. But determining where Baptists fall in those attitudes depends on whether they have adopted the…
Texas Baptist school allows limited campus carry
Breaking ranks with most private colleges opting out of a state law requiring public universities to allow handguns in dorms, classrooms and campus buildings, East Texas Baptist University will allow the president to authorize selected full-time faculty or staff who…
Confusing race with faith sent Christians down painful path
By George Henson Christianity in the West has been infiltrated by values and attitudes of race, challenging efforts to heal racial and social divisions and for Christians to experience authentic connections with Christ, an expert on faith and religion said…
What has Hobbiton to do with Jerusalem?
Bible Belt Christians have struggled long with literature and film espousing a view of reality that confronts the values of our Christian life. In general, if a book or movie challenges what generally are perceived as Christian values or morals…